Zodiac Cusp Meanings Different Outlook
https://www.magicalrecipesonline.com/2017/10/born-cusp-between-signs.html Menu YOUR WITCHY MAGAZINE ON ASTROLOGY AND ALL MAGICAL ARTS NEWSLETTER Were You Born Between Signs – On Cusp ? Published on October 28, 2017December 16, 2017 in Astrology by The Alchemist Astrology is a wise art and can answer to a lot of questions. Yet it also makes a lot of sense when we receive letters and messages asking us which Zodiac Sign’s prediction to read if you are born on the edge – on the cusp. If you are born on 21st of December are you Sagittarius or are you Capricorn? You feel both energies in you, yet you can’t shake the feeling that you don’t belong in either one of them. There is a reason for that. Born on Cusp – edge of the Zodiac Signs Cusps are extremely sensitive days as energy shifts into something else. This “in – between” thing is where witches believe that magic is mo...