Which Zodiac Sign Are You When You're Born On The Cusp? BY ROSEY BAKER APR 6 2017
Elite Daily VICTOR TORRES Which Zodiac Sign Are You When You're Born On The Cusp? BY ROSEY BAKER APR 6 2017 "I know it says I'm an Aries, but when I read the zodiac sign descriptions, I always feel like a Pisces !" I hear tons of variations of this phrase from people who are born on the cusp of signs. ADVERTISING inRead invented by Teads You might feel lost in a sea of confusion, wondering which side to cling to, longing for answers. But have no fear! People born on the cusps of signs often feel out of place when they read about their zodiac characteristics. If you're born three to four days before or after the cutoff between signs, you might feel more like you're a mix of the two. Here's how it all breaks down: ARIES-TAURUS CUSP (APRIL 19 TO APRIL 20) If your birthday is on the Aries side, your agro-Aries nature is probably a bit more stable than a typical ram. You're probably also a lot better at completing tasks, and you...