Caitlyn Jenner, #caitlynjenner ASTROLOGY #celebrastrology
Caitlyn Jenner, #caitlynjenner ASTROLOGY, revealed by Vanity Fair !!!! Bruce Jenner's Beautiful Transformation into a female butterfly, Caitlyn Jenner Scorpio, ASTROLOGY, from He Man to She Man !! By Alissa Gray
One step for Transgender, and one huge step for Humankind!!
Watch out Jessica Lange, Caitlyn Jenner is here, and she's fierce!

Bruce Jenner Transition: Caitlyn Jenner on Vanity Fair Cover ...
www.people.com320 × 240Search by image, FROM EW: Caitlyn Jenner Will Receive Arthur Ashe Award for Courage at This Year's ESPYs

Caitlyn Jenner, Formerly Known as Bruce, Poses for Vanity Fair ... abcnews.go.com992 × 559Search by image PHOTO: Caitlyn Jenner--formerly known as Bruce Jenner--on the cover

Caitlyn Jenner Breaks President Obama's Twitter Follower Record ...
www.adweek.com652 × 367Search by image
UPDATE: Caitlyn Jenner Breaks President Obama's Twitter Follower Record
Bruce Jenner
I am truly happy for him, if that is want he really feels he is on the inside, and finally can express himself without getting hated on, the best time is now, compared to the past eras. Good for him, I wished he didn't have to feel like he had to hide this long, but never the less. It could be that he is loosing his testosterone, sometimes that happens when a a person has chosen growth hormones, and steroids, etc, in the past, maybe, it could be one possibility on what triggered the actual transformation. Please comment if you have any ideas on why, or how it may have the Transformation started..
October 28, 1949
Bruce Jenner 20 / 20
Diane Sawyer did a great job interviewing Jenner. The only problem, I had with her attitude was, I felt that, Diane Sawyer, sounded a bit naive, about the numerous topics/questions she had thrown out to Jenner. I think Bruce Jenner, (or, should I say, the person formerly known as Bruce Jenner) handled the interview, (and the ignorance Diane Sawyer expressed as a representation to the millions of viewers out there, she is speaking for; who fail to understand, the life, of a transgender,) quite well.
I did notice that, whenever Diane Sawyer pushed that question of, will he ever be attracted to men, especially after his transformation, he did show slight frustration emphasizing that he is not gay, and he will never be attracted to men. In His words, "I just always felt like, I have a soul of a woman". I do sense a possible homophobia Bruce may be suffering from. To me, it would make sense of the struggles he went through for the last 60 years with being a women trapped in a man's body, and never feeling comfortable to fully transition into an actual woman. There is an overall insinuation, as he told his story, that, fear of being categorized as a homosexual, or stereotypical "girly man", may have driven to up keep the male persona for so long.
His son Brandon Jenner said it the best when he explained what he would say, if anyone ever asked about his father. In the past. he would to talk about his father's Olympic Triumphs. Now his answer will, to be sum up, will express the pride, and honor he has to have a father, as courageous as him. Coming out, is the most bravest, strongest, accomplishment, superseding, by far, over any of his past accomplishments, including winning the Olympics. It made me tear up to see all the open arms, acceptance, and reactions of it all making sense (and knowing who the real Brice Jenner finally is) to all the Jenner children, as they expressed their reactions to Jenner's truth..
I praise Bruce's advocacy, courage, and bravely, for speaking out ! Good for you Jenner, for finally starting to journey to find/be the real person he/she, has always wanted to be, as well as, coming out publicly to clear the air, and advocate transgender.
As Kanye West, the Rapper explained to his wife (Bruce's step daughter) Kim, "I could have the most beautiful wife in the world, and I do. I could have the most beautiful child in the world, and I do. But I am nothing if I can't be me"!
You should never be afraid of who you are! Like a lotus flower, never expect this beautiful flower come from the mucky, yucky, of muddy, swamps. We need experience to learn, and grow, or we will be always trapped our own treacherous allegory cave.

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www.tmz.com700 × 489Search by imageGeneral Mills -- the makers of Wheaties -- had an interesting reaction to the passing of Bruce Jenner and the birth of Caitlyn.
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Bruce Jenner
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