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2021 Metal Ox Year By Susan Levitt

 2021 Metal Ox Year

By Susan Levitt

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Contact me for your astrology forecast for 2021 Ox year, the time to build, or your astrology birth chart or relationship charts. Includes both your Western chart and Chinese Four Pillars chart.

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2021 Year of the Metal Ox




Feb 11 – Mar 12

Feb 11 is a new Moon in Air sign Aquarius at 11:06 am PST that begins Metal Tiger month and Metal Ox year. The date is Feb 12 in China because Beijing China is 16 hours head of the time zone here in San Francisco. That is why if you research the lunar new year date online, it’s listed as Feb 12. Chinese New Year is the second new Moon after Winter Solstice.

In early agricultural communities, people often went for days without eating and feared starvation. To aid suffering humans, the gods and goddesses removed Ox from heaven, where she was a star, and sent her to earth. The divine ones instructed Ox to tell people that with her help they would avoid starvation and would eat every three days.

But Ox misunderstood, and told humanity that they would eat three times a day! Ox had to make her words true, so that is why Ox labors for humans and endures many burdens without complaint. Therefore, the year of the Ox is time for honesty, hard work, duty, and discipline. Like Ox plowing the field, success is attained through diligent work and conscientious effort. 

The Ox is a powerful animal who has the ability to transform the negative challenges of Rat year 2020 into positive outcomes in 2021. Ox can save us from disaster, and help reconstruct because Ox is a builder.

So Ox year is the time to follow through and bring to completion what was started in Rat year. Establish a routine, use tried-and-true methods, and stay with a structure that can bring a bountiful harvest in autumn. Daring new concepts will not be well received. Save them for the following Tiger year.

The Element Metal

2021 is a Metal year of the five Taoist elements Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, and Wood. In feng shui, the Metal environment is clean, pristine, pared down, and shiny like metal. So begin by cleaning your home, reduce clutter, and maintain tidiness all year round. The main focus is on the bedroom as hard-working Oxen do best after peaceful sleep.

The most favorable season in a Metal year is autumn. In Chinese medicine, Metal rules the lungs so take care of your lungs this year. If you smoke, this Metal Ox year is an ideal time to quit smoking. And the healing vaccine for Covid will systematically and in an organized manner be administered during Ox year, aiding economic and health recovery. The big change for Covid will be on the new Moon in Leo that begins Fire Monkey lunar month on August 8. In the meantime, maintain Covid precautions.

Your fortune in Metal Ox Year


Birth years of the Rat: 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020.

Next year of the Rat is 2032.

Rat is in a very good position in the year of the Ox. Expect fewer hardships because Rat is Ox’s good friend and ally. Ox’s influence requires a larger contribution at work. Therefore, Rat benefits by putting forth increased effort to follow through because Ox delivers, and expects dedicated, consistent labor from others. The element Metal is firm and resolute, not flexible, so don’t seek clever Rat shortcuts. Strive to not overextend or take on too many commitments. Your luckiest month is April, and winter is your best season. The element Metal empowers Metal Rat born in 1960, and Water Rat born in 1972.

Ox (Buffalo)

Birth years of the Ox: 1913, 1925, 1937,1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021.

Next year of the Ox is 2033.

Ox year begins a new twelve year life cycle for you. Everyone benefits by increasing their efforts this year, but for Ox it can be a very positive and productive year when your hard work is finally rewarded. You can reap the benefits of the efforts you’ve made over time. You’ve paid dues, and are ready to enjoy the hard-won results. Be open to receiving help and advice from others, not just going it alone as is your pattern. This is also an excellent year for marriage, having a child, or purchasing a new home. The element Metal empowers Metal Ox born in 1961, and Water Ox born in 1973.


Birth years of the Tiger: 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010.

Next year of the Tiger is 2022.

Free-spirited and adventurous Tiger does best to adjust to the steady work ethics of the Ox. Ox year dynamics require Tiger to work hard and remain focused to successfully complete projects. You can build a solid foundation this year. Tigers who control their temper and aren’t too rebellious or independent should experience a good year. Rewards arrive in 2022 your Tiger year when you start a new life cycle. So keep your emotions in check, especially Wood Tiger born in 1974. The element Metal empowers Metal Tiger born in 2010 or 1950, and Water Tiger born in 1962.

Rabbit (Hare)

Birth years of the Rabbit: 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011.

Next year of the Rabbit is 2023.

Rabbit has a much better year after the challenges of the previous Rat year. Being more determined, aggressive, and persistent (all Ox characteristics) helps you succeed. Although at times Rabbit could feel challenged during an Ox year due to unrealistic work standards and expectations from others. So take care of yourself emotionally, be patient, and do not become frustrated if rewards are delayed or projects take more time than anticipated. It’s best to avoid making quick decisions because Ox year is not an auspicious time for big change. Spring is your best season. The element Metal empowers Metal Rabbit born in 2011 or 1951, and Water Rabbit born in 1963.


Birth years of the Dragon: 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012.

Next year of the Dragon is 2024.

Ox year is your time to follow through with activities initiated in Rat year 2020. Dragon can be a high-flying dreamer, whereas Ox is realistic and hard working. So under Ox’s influence this year, Dragon might have to tone it down and be more conservative, or use different strategies and tactics. Appearances and great ideas are not what Ox values. Instead, if you create a solid structure or a routine to maintain stability, then anticipate a year of steady progress. It’s fortunate to work with others this year, not your usual independent self. The problems of those surrounding you need not effect you. So stay focused, grounded, and do not meddle. April, August, and December are your luckiest months. The element Metal empowers Metal Dragon born in 2000 or 1940, and Water Dragon born in 1952.


Birth years of the Snake: 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013.

Next year of the Snake is 2025.

Anticipate a fortunate and successful year because Snake is in a harmony trine with Ox and Phoenix (Rooster). There will be opportunities for advancement, career goals can be attained, and relationships deepen. Snake’s work will be recognized and rewarded. Others admire your wisdom, insights, and resourcefulness. Just don’t allow Ox’s stubborn influence to make you unreasonable or too demanding. Be mindful of how you approach difficult subjects or manage certain relationships. Intelligent compromise benefits everyone. The element Metal empowers Metal Snake born in 2001 or 1941, and Water Snake born in 1953.


Birth years of the Horse: 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014.

Next year of the Horse is 2026.

Rat year 2020 was a difficult year, especially for Horse because Rat is opposite Horse in the Chinese zodiac. Fortunately, Ox year can be less challenging. Expect easier and smoother circumstances, although Ox’s influence demands hard work, and work is not Horse’s favorite activity. Horse can succeed by maintaining more control in personal interactions, but romance could still be problematic so stay steady. Adapt to Ox traits of discipline and perseverance to succeed. Next year Tiger 2022 is your lucky time to race off to greener pastures or gallop after new opportunities, but not now. Your best season is summer. The element Metal empowers Metal Horse born in 1990, and Water Horse born in 2002 or 1942.

Sheep (Goat, Ram)

Birth years of the Sheep: 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015.

Next year of the Sheep is 2027.

Sheep is opposite of Ox in the Chinese zodiac. Therefore, Ox year can be challenging for us Sheep. It’s not an auspicious time to create new opportunities. Instead, stay organized, reduce clutter, and maintain focus. Under the influence of Ox, at times Sheep must perform repetitive or mundane tasks. Just don’t allow finances or morale to be low, and avoid opportunities to overspend because “Sheep eat paper.” Others may not be available to offer emotional support, so we do best by being more resourceful and self reliant. Summer is our luckiest season; winter is not. The element Metal empowers Metal Sheep born in 1991, and Water Sheep born in 2003 or 1943.


Birth years of the Monkey: 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016.

Next year of the Monkey is 2028.

Ox year is a time of work and discipline, but neither are Monkey’s favored activities. Monkey is more devoted to play and creativity. Therefore, during Ox year there can be difficulties that force Monkey to restrain ambitions. Monkey can avoid Ox’s demand for hard work by teaming up with others to be their messenger or liaison. Monkey’s wit and winning personality does bring luck in avoiding tasks that Monkey does not want to do. But this is a good year for Monkeys to establish a solid foundation so it serves you to adapt Ox’s methods. The element Metal empowers Metal Monkey born in 1980, and Water Monkey born in 1992 or 1932.

Phoenix (Rooster, Chicken)

Birth years of the Phoenix: 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017.

Next year of the Phoenix is 2029.

Ox year can be very fortunate and favorable for you because Ox’s values closely align with yours. Ox and Phoenix are highly compatible because they are both diligent and determined, and appreciate hard work and a job well done. Ox year energy offers the stability, faithfulness, and sincerity that Phoenix enjoys. Projects come together, and goals are attained. If you promote yourself, you will be respected and highly regarded. This is your year for success when you can recover from any previous Rat year challenges. All months are lucky. The element Metal empowers Metal Phoenix born in 1981, and Water Phoenix born in 1993 or 1933.


Birth years of the Dog: 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018.

Next year of the Dog is 2030.

Ox’s influence brings conservative politics and restraints. Dog fights for the underdog, so Dog’s revolutionary ideas and altruistic concepts might not be in favor this year. Ox prefers to stay the steady course, whereas Dog enjoys trying new methods. So there could be some minor problems or roadblocks due to differences in perspective. But Dog perseveres, is responsible, and does hard work that can be rewarded in an Ox year. Dog’s Ox year contribution lays a foundation for success in your lucky year Tiger 2022. The element Metal empowers Metal Dog born in 1970, and Water Dog born in 1982.

Pig (Boar)

Birth years of the Pig: 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019.

Next year of the Pig is 2031.

Ox year can be a harmonious year when Pig’s efforts are appreciated. There are opportunities for career advancement and good fortune in relationships, although Pig must comply with Ox’s strong work ethic and follow rules. But Pig is naturally realistic and goal oriented, and that fits well with Ox’s pragmatism. Others rely on you this year when your generosity and emotional support will be greatly appreciated. Remain diligent in your efforts, and anticipate an abundant harvest in autumn your lucky season. It’s also a good year for education and learning new methods. The element Metal empowers Metal Pig born in 1971, and Water Pig born in 1983.


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