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Chinese Horoscope 2021 – Year of the Metal Ox According to the Chinese zodiac, 2021 is the Year of the Ox. 

The Chinese New Year will start on February 12th, and it will last until January 31st of 2022. 

The Ox is the second out of the twelve zodiac signs: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig. 

The Year of the Metal Ox comes right after the Year of the Metal Rat (2020) and before the Year of the Water Tiger (2022)! 

The years of the Ox in the Chinese Horoscope are: 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, and 2021. 

This year is going to be lucky and also perfect to focus on relationships, whether we are talking about friendships or love. In the Chinese Zodiac, the Ox is very hardworking and methodical. 

2021 is going to be a year when work will get rewarded, and those zodiac signs who are lucky in terms of money this year will be the ones that will make a considerable effort. 

The Yin energy, specific to the Chinese zodiac sign of Ox, will be quite poignant. This is going to be a year when we will fully feel the weight of our responsibilities, a year when it is necessary to double our efforts to accomplish anything at all. The Yin energy, specific to the Chinese zodiac sign of Ox, will be quite poignant. This is going to be a year when we will fully feel the weight of our responsibilities, a year when it is necessary to double our efforts to accomplish anything at all. 

Since this is a Metal year, for the second successive year, the color of 2021 is going to be white. Besides white, we have the lucky colors of the Ox: yellow and green, colors that, in Feng Shui, attract prosperity and success. To increase your luck, wear metal accessories. 

This year, no explosive or catastrophic events will occur, so it is a favorable year for economic recovery or consolidation, a year of long-term investments (especially for creating a reserve stock for the coming unproductive years). 

The Metal Ox year is also great for making order in the family life. After all, if the family life is peaceful, everything gets solved! Thus, 2021 is a year when all the problems get solved with discipline. A lot of discipline! Obviously, with an extra effort from us in organizing our time

CHINESE ANIMAL SIGN BORN IN Rat Horoscope 2021 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008 Ox Horoscope 2021 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009 Tiger Horoscope 2021 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010 Rabbit Horoscope 2021 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011 Dragon Horoscope 2021 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012 Snake Horoscope 2021 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013 Horse Horoscope 2021 1942, 1954,1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014 Goat Horoscope 2021 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015 Monkey Horoscope 2021 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016 Rooster Horoscope 2021 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017 Dog Horoscope 2021 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018 Pig Horoscope 2021 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019 Find out also what zodiac signs will be lucky in 2021 according to the Western Horoscope. Yearly-Horoscope.Org recently published the 2021 horoscope. 

What are the lucky zodiac signs for 2021 Is 2021 your lucky year? Perhaps your zodiac sign is at the top of the list of the lucky signs of this special year. Rat For those born under the Rat sign, your ideals and personal connections will be very important this year. The year 2021 comes with a special energy for them, as their optimism is at its peak. Snake The year 2021 will help the Snakes find answers to the most personal and profound questions. Their wishes will come true at the right moment, exactly when they will need it the most. Those born under the Snake sign will be a reliable help for their friends, and they will even inspire those around them. Horse Dreams, aspirations, and personal connections will be essential for you in the coming year. The year 2021 will find you with special energy, with so many ideas that you want to put into practice, and your friends and the people close to you will be very helpful, offering you support you in everything you plan on doing. Your optimism will be at a high level, and you have more self-confidence and more faith in other people, which is an ingredient so necessary to accomplish our plans. Have faith in what the year of the Ox has to offer you on all levels, and don’t let anything get you down and stop you from flying! Monkey Maybe you won’t believe this now, but the year 2021 is important for you because it will help you find answers to the most intimate and profound questions. You will succeed in finding balance and the best path. Your wishes will come true at the right moment, exactly when you need it. Throughout 2021, you will gain increasingly more self-confidence, and you will find the best solutions. Also, you will be a real help for your friends, whom you will encourage by offering them the best pieces of advice. Pig In 2021, the money will flow towards you. If you want to invest money in something new, go ahead with no doubts. It is known that you like strategies, and you sometimes think too much before taking a decision, but now you have the energy of the Ox Chinese sign on your side, which offers gifts and luck in life! 

Lucky symbols in 2021: Lucky numbers: 7, 9, 12, 21, 34, 42 

Lucky days: the 5th, the 9th, the 17th, the 29th day of every month of the Chinese calendar 

Lucky months: the 3rd, 7th, and 9th Chinese lunar months Lucky colors: White, yellow, and green Lucky directions: west, northwest, and southwest In 2021, the ruling Tai Sui is Yang Xin. The position of Tai Sui is at North-East1. In conflict with Tai Sui is the Chinese zodiac sign of the Goat, while the animals in indirect conflicts are: Ox, Dragon, and Dog. 

Career and Fortune The year of the Metal Ox brings career advancement, success in business, prosperity, and wellness for all zodiac signs. 

The Ox year of 2021 is under the influence of the metal element, just like the Year of the Rat 2020. This year predicts new career opportunities, so don’t let anxiety or negative thinking affect you. Those who are born under the Ox sign are independent and strong people, but very stubborn. 

During the year, some problems might occur for most Chinese zodiac signs, but success and luck are ready to be present for those who are flexible and ready for anything. In 2021, those born under the Dragon zodiac sign will enjoy huge profits, as long as they will take advantage of the occurring opportunities. 

However, they need to be very careful to not let themselves carried away before things get out of control. Many Tigers and Rabbits will obtain financial independence by discovering a new income source, while for others, money could fall from the sky. 

The Goats will keep having new ideas related to quick gains and organizing their own business, goals that will be successfully achieved. Love In love, a fabulous year is to come! If you think of starting a family with the person you have by your side, 2021 is the ideal year. 

All the marriages started in the Metal Ox year are durable and happy. In case you are still single, get ready to meet your soul mate! Seized by a vortex of passion and emotions, the impulsive and naughty 

Monkey might not succeed in choosing the right partner for a lasting relationship. A bit of advice from the astrologer: learn to be more romantic, more involved in the relationship with your partner, more attentive to his/her needs, and a bit more tender! 

A simple gesture or a single beautiful word can make miracles! The people born under the Goat sign must resist the impulse to spend too much money to please their loved ones, hoping they will obtain a state of romantic harmony. Their most important lesson in 2021 is that money can’t buy true love. 

Health The Tigers and Monkeys will not encounter serious health issues this year. Even if some colds or small issues will occur, they will solve them as fast as possible. Moreover, any pre-existing conditions will register a major improvement. 

The people born in the Tiger and Money signs will not encounter serious health issues this year. Even if some colds or small issues will occur, they will solve them as fast as possible. Moreover, any pre-existing conditions will register a major improvement. Dragons will be quite agitated, which is why they might get exhausted many times during the year. A deteriorated state of health is only one step away, so they need to be extremely careful. 

The extra hours over the work schedule but also the sleepless night can be some of the main causes. Famous People Born in the Year of the Ox Napoleon (1769), Adolf Hitler (1889), Walt Disney (1901), Margaret Thatcher (1925), Barack Obama (1961), Saddam Hussein (1937), Gerald Ford (1913), Charlie Chaplin (1889), actors George Clooney, Richard Gere and Dustin Hoffman, artist Vincent Van Gogh; Princess Diana; former President Richard Nixon.

Feel free to publish a summary of this article (in English or translated into another language) along with a link to the full piece https://www.thechinesezodiac.org/chinese-horoscope-2021-year-of-the-metal-ox/


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