by Denise November 22, 2018, 1:57 pm The Strong Taurus-Gemini Cusp Man: His Characteristics Revealed
The Strong Taurus-Gemini Cusp Man: His Characteristics Revealed
The Taurus-Gemini cusp man has an extraordinary energy and seems to manage even the most difficult situations with a lot of calm and composure.

The Taurus-Gemini cusp men are determined, strong-willed and ambitious, as well as mentally agile, intelligent and curious to no end.
Nothing stops their advance because they make use of innovative techniques to get to their goals. Stamina will be a problem though because no matter how much energy they have, it’s going to be all used up in a matter of seconds with all the running around.
The Taurus-Gemini cusp man in a nutshell:
- Born between: 17th and 23rd of May;
- Strengths: Observant and practical;
- Weaknesses: Relentless and opportunistic;
- Life lesson: Not to avoid taking action out of fear of failure.
The peak of success is theirs
The Taurus and Gemini influences make for one hell of a combination. These natives are adaptable, versatile and extremely focused on the situation at hand.
In a relationship, the Taurus-Gemini cusp man is understanding and tolerant to such a degree that he won’t get upset or become annoyed at his partner’s mistakes because he’s aware that he could have done the same.
It’s in man’s nature to be a little doubtful and err on the safe side. However, he wants everyone to keep an eye on him, to watch him progress and develop, make great steps toward success.
In general, this man is the leader, the head of the operation, the one who operates behind the scene, as he manages the financial situation and plans for future problems.
Moreover, he can be one of the greatest parents around, responsible and loving, principled and willing to sacrifice his needs for his children’s.
With all that energy and purposeful visionary plans hanging about, there is nothing that can stop the Taurus-Gemini cusp natives from fulfilling their professional goals, either in management or trade or even freelancing, seeing how imaginative they are.
The peak of success is theirs if they only make use of those abilities ingrained deep within, and even if no one is there to support or reveal the opportunities, they will be keen enough to figure things out.
They feel good with knowing that they are the winners, that victory is theirs and that no one can rise up to their level. Domination and supremacy are goals in themselves.
This doesn’t mean that they will step on the heads of other people, crushing their dreams, in order to make theirs become a reality. It means that they will rejoice and find a victory to be very appealing and succulent.
What’s miraculous and truly astounding about the Taurus-Gemini cusp men is that their spontaneous and impulsive nature comes very naturally, just like another stage, a fluid one.
Everyone can learn to love and appreciate them right away because of all the funny things they say and do. It’s very weird to plan out for things like when to be spontaneous, but they do that.
Their motivation is good enough for them, but the world has a certain way of diminishing the value of one’s path. What matters is the light at the end of the tunnel, how the Taurus-Gemini cusp men see success, what really gets their blood flowing.
They have enough energy and stamina to last for quite a long time at full power. They know that actions matter more than words, and the world will only remember those who have changed the world, those with incredible contributions.
Their advantage is that they can become truly focused on the matter at hand, letting nothing disperse their concentration.
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