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SEARCH by Denise November 22, 2018, 2:02 pm The Confident Aries-Taurus Cusp Woman: Her Personality Uncovered

The Confident Aries-Taurus Cusp Woman: Her Personality Uncovered

The Aries-Taurus cusp woman bravely steps in life with nothing but her willpower and resolve alone, so won’t be easily swayed by anyone’s ideas.

Aries-Taurus Cusp Woman
With so much power hidden in one single person, most people will get energized and feel refreshed just by staying alongside the Aries-Taurus cusp woman.
She is filled with fiery energy, the passion, and intensity to do anything, fight against the whole world, and be brave in front of unfathomable dangers. She runs headlong into battle with the hope that nothing will be able to stand in the path of her horns.
The Aries-Taurus cusp woman in a nutshell:
  • Born between: 17th and 23rd of April;
  • Strengths: Courageous, optimistic and punctual;
  • Weaknesses: Contradictory and impulsive;
  • Life lesson: To put less price on attaining material goods.

She’s going to eventually come out on top

With courage and determination, the Aries-Taurus cusp woman bravely steps in life with nothing but her willpower and resolve alone. What changes the whole game is the presence of the Taurus component.
When the Arieswants to compensate for its small size with great deeds, the Taurus doesn’t have anything to be afraid or ashamed for.
She is self-confident and knows that she’s going to eventually come out on top without having to cause a ruckus.
She has a lot of power that will quickly dispose of any complications so she’s entrusted that nothing will stop her anyway.
Her presence is enough to deter any potential adversary from making a move, unlike the small-sized Aries influence that needs to assert dominance.
The combination of the two is astounding, mind-blowing because she harmoniously keeps others in check.
However, she can also become embroiled in her own power and strength, take a nap and wake up only to check how things are going.

She can be softened by comfort

A life filled with comfort and lacking in any challenges will only soften her, dull her senses and sap her strength. This is how a positive trait turns into a negative, constant process that spreads over time, eventually reaching a conclusion.
This is how her Taurus personality can screw things up. It’s good to be forceful sometimes, to get up and ask for clarifications, to make demands, to speak up against injustice, but it’s also to keep herself in check, to wait for an opportunity, to be calm.
Between the two, that’s the sweet spot that the Aries-Taurus cusp woman seems to achieve effortlessly.
However, just as previously stated, she can become irresponsible and preoccupied with making herself comfortable, with building a perfect lifestyle, a safe place where nothing new is ever going on.
She is deeply aware of the value money has, and so she is very hard-working not get to a situation where she’s broke.
Her psyche is the battlefield between these two wrestling energies, and her age is also important, as it seems it is correlated with what astrological sign manages to get in control at that time.
Personally, she is punctual, serious, she will keep her words, and most importantly, she is very understanding in a discussion, letting others speak before bringing out the big guns.
Her priorities are altered. Instead of fighting for her place in the world, for self-development and the polishing of her skills, she gets used to having the potential to do great deeds, and that’s it.
However, at the same time, the Aries is the exact opposite, going forward all the time in spite of all the enemies and traps ahead.

Explore further

Written by Denise

Denise is an experienced practitioner of astrology, interested to discover and share with everyone how astrology can inspire and change lives. She is the Editor in Chiefat The Horoscope.


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